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Participation fee

Conference at 24 October 2024

Get-together at 23 October 2024 with visitation of PPM research institute and evening event

On-site ticket

190 €
Online ticket

90 €
Get-together ticket

100 € (excluding VAT)



The On-site ticket includes: Participation in the conference, including meals, conference drinks and conference documents.

The Online ticket includes: exclusive online access to the conference presentations, post questions directly via voice chat, give presentations online (for speakers).

Participation fees for the conference tickets are not subject to VAT (tax exemption according to § 4 No. 22a UStG).

The participation fee for the get-together includes visitation of PPM research institute and evening programme, incl. bus transfer, food and drinks.

Registration for PROTEINA 2024

I would like to register for the PROTEINA conference on 23 and 24 October 2024 in Magdeburg.

Please fill in all fields.


* The information marked with an asterisk is shown in the list of participants.

Invoice Adress

* mandatory field

Payment Conditions

After your registration you will receive an invoice via email for the conference fee for immediate transfer (within 14 days) to the following bank account (payments in cash are not possible):

Stadtsparkasse MagdeBurg
IBAN: DE18 8105 3272 0039 2530 84
Intended use: Last name, First name, Invoice number and "PROTEINA 2024".

After receipt of the full invoice amount, you will receive a confirmation of payment, which is considered a binding confirmation.

Cancellation conditions

Cancellations received by 30 September 2024 (in writing only) will be subject to a processing fee of €30. Cancellations received after 30 September 2024 will be charged the full participation fee. Please include your name, address and invoice number.

The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the programme due to current events.